Those golden oldies probably won't see another update, but wouldn't it be nice if we kept them around for another little while. And then there's a bunch of classic freeware that has baked in statics but is otherwise good. For some, this already works, but many major sceneries such as KLAX (Mister X) and KJFK (X-Codr) still don't react to the static AC setting. I think some devs like Mister X, NAPS, TDG or X-Codr will provide updates to their popular sceneries, improving X-Plane 11 support (allowing us to deactivate the static AC in the settings).
I will do nothing to these and hope that with time, all updated airports will support turning off static AC and thus be static AC free at one point without me having to do anything. Actually, they will quickly become a disturbance due to spawning issues. I identified three categories of airports: WT 3 will easily fill up all airports with actually living planes, so there's really no need for static AC's anymore. How do we convert our X-Plane installations to take full advantage of coming traffic add-ons? WT 3 is about to be released, so I am facing the daunting task of removing all static aircraft from my X-Plane installation.